‘Q50’, ‘Q35’, and ‘Q20’ denotes the nicotine concentration (in mg/mL) in Nicovape® Q Cartridges.
Each Nicovape® Q Cartridge contains 2ml of e-liquid, so Nicovape® contains total nicotine as follows:
- Q50: 50 mg/mL (100 mg nicotine)
- Q35: 35 mg/mL (70 mg nicotine)
- Q20: 20 mg/mL (40 mg nicotine)
Please note that the amount of nicotine you absorb depends on factors such as how long you keep the aerosol in your lungs after each puff and how much you use the device.
If you consider any cartridge you have been prescribed too strong, please speak to your prescribing doctor who may prescribe you a lower concentration.
However, before doing so, please note that patients may find simply puffing less often or for shorter puff durations sufficient to make the cartridge palatable.